When you are coming to Lisbon one of the first questions on the weekend definitely will be, where to head for brunch. Luckily, the beautiful city got you covered, as there are many different brunch and breakfast options around the town. I summarized my favorite five places, which I really loved and would recommend to you below. 

I saved all the places I tried out and recommend on Google Maps so you can easily save the list for your trip. Check out the list here.
Also, I made an Instagram guide with my top 5 favorite (vegan) brunch places in Lisbon. You can find the Instagram guide here.

One thing you should bear in mind is, that you can usually, unfortunately, not reserve your brunch spot for the weekend. In order to skip the line, I would recommend to just come when they places open up (often anyway not before 10:00am) or rather late as many brunch spots offer brunch until the afternoon. Also, you should know that there are not many brunch places with outside sitting areas available. This was one of my key criteria when selecting the brunch spots (together with the menu of course) as I just wanted to enjoy my breakfast in the sun rather than inside. All the places I recommend, expect Comoba, do have outside seating available. However, the seats outside are of course limited, so again you are best advised to come either early or late. 

I hope you enjoy my recommendations for (vegan) brunch in Lisbon and just let me know in case you have any other favorite places, which I should try out and include in the guide. 

Lots of love,

My top 5 (vegan) brunch places in Lisbon:

  • Break Se
    Break Se was for sure one of my favorite brunch places, not only because of their delicious (vegan) brunch options, but also because of the beautiful outside sitting area, where you can watch the famous tram 28 pass by. Although the place is quite in a touristy area, the prices are very decent and the brunch combos e.g. pancakes, bagel, coffee and juice for around 18€ really fair priced! 

  • Heim Cafe
    This is one of the most popular brunch places, so come early or late if you want to skip the line (reservations are unfortunately not possible). I enjoyed the avocado toast with grains, sprouts and sweet potato purée and also really loved their high-quality coffee. Make sure to check it out when you are coming to Lisbon! 

  • Manifest Lisbon
    I really loved this place and came not only for Brunch but also for some aperitivo and drinks. You can choose from many different (vegan) brunch options and there are also bigger portions available in case you want to share with another person. You can also enjoy your brunch outside as they have a quite big patio with many sitting options. 

    If you want to go to one of the most „instagrammed“ placed, Comoba is your go-to brunch spot. They have a wide breakfast selection and you can also easily stay a bit longer and work or read from there. The only negative point I would mention is that there are no sitting places outside available. 

  • Nicolau Lisboa
    Although I just ordered once for lunch at Nicolau and did not visit the brunch spot in person, I really would recommend this place. I loved the breakfast granola bowl, enjoyed a refreshing acai smoothie and had a filling bowl with avocado, hummus, chickpeas, quinoa and flowers!


